Sour Dough Bread

Here's an easy sourdough bread recipe for beginners:


  • 150g active sourdough starter

  • 350g water

  • 500g bread flour

  • 10g sea salt

  • Olive oil (for greasing)

Preparation Steps:

Starter Preparation

First, prepare your sourdough starter about 12 hours before mixing the dough:

  • Mix 10g unfed starter, 25g water, and 25g flour

  • Let it rest at room temperature until doubled in size

Mixing the Dough

  1. Combine starter and water in a large bowl, stirring to distribute

  2. Add bread flour and salt

  3. Mix until a shaggy dough forms

  4. Cover and let rest for 1 hour (autolyse period)

Stretch and Fold

  1. Form the dough into a ball

  2. Perform stretch and fold technique:

    • Stretch top of dough up and over

    • Rotate 90 degrees

    • Repeat 4 times

  3. Let rest for 30 minutes

  4. Repeat stretch and fold process every 30 minutes for 4-6 hours

Shaping and Proofing

  1. Gently deflate dough on a floured surface

  2. Shape into a rectangle

  3. Fold sides into center

  4. Roll into a tight log

  5. Place in a greased bread pan

  6. Cover and refrigerate overnight (12-24 hours)


  1. Preheat oven to 450°F

  2. Remove dough from refrigerator

  3. Score the top of the loaf

  4. Bake covered for 30 minutes

  5. Uncover and bake 20-23 more minutes

  6. Internal temperature should reach 206-208°F

  7. Cool for 1-2 hours before slicing

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black blue and yellow textile